How to Set Achievable Goals for 2021

This time of year is the traditional goal setting period. Although for me, I’m an all year round goal setter. I set goals for a variety of reasons. I think mostly because I like my mind to be busy and I am more motivated if I set goals. It creates an inner drive and I thrive on it. When I set goals I go through a process and I thought it would be good to share my top tips for setting goals.

It’s the journey, not the destination: The most important mindset you need to have is that it is not the goal itself, but the journey to achieve it that matters. So for any goal you need to break it down into steps. For example, my goal this year is to complete a no spend year. In order to achieve my goal I need to budget my household expenses, I need to meal plan, I need to decided on what is allowed in my rules. I need to do these steps in order to help me reach my goal. Without those steps it would be hard to manage or control my spend. By having these steps I will more confidently achieve my goal.

Have goals of varying time scales: It would be easy to sit and plan things you want to achieve in 1 or 5 years time, but having the motivation to only focus on goals that are far ahead might dampen your spirits. It you have short term and long term goals you will achieve small successes on a regular basis and will feel a stronger drive for the longer term goals.

Have a range of goals for financial, personal and lifestyle growth: I personally like to challenge myself in a variety of situations. I think it’s important to continue to educate and grow as a person. Don’t be mistaken in thinking that I am not content with my life, far from it, but I am a curious person that like’s to learn and grow. It’s a natural drive that I have. So whilst I have my financial goals connected to my no spend year, I also want to focus in on my friendships and make more time for others. I am looking at setting goals that focus on what I am valuing more in my life, whether it is friendships or creating a minimalist home. It’s about taking the time to learn more about your likes/dislikes and freeing yourself of things that do not matter.

Share your goals with your friends and family: Your support bubble are the ones that will be championing you to achieve your goals. It is helpful to share these with others as they may be able to help you on your journey, share ideas for what they have found successful. Having someone to share your thoughts and ideas makes it much more fun and you may find others what to tag along with your ideas. It could be a game changer for others too.

Be flexible with your time scales: Be open minded that sometimes things might take longer than you think. We are living through a pandemic that is making things harder than normal. If things do go right the first time, try again or look at things in a new way/find a new angle. Be kind to yourself!

Any goal is achievable: I don’t think there is any limit to what you can achieve, but know that it will take hard work to get there. In 2010 I decided I wanted to become a teacher – in order to do this I had to complete a history A level, complete an undergraduate degree in history, and complete a PGCE. That is no small task I can tell you. But I worked my socks off for 6 years to get there (I squeezed in a history masters degree before the PGCE) and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. The end goal of teaching is hard work, but the journey getting there was amazing. I loved every minute of the commute, the essay writing, the new friendships I gained and the confidence I manifested. I’m so much strong for the journey I went on. You can achieve anything if you want it!

I look forward to hearing about your goals for the year ahead.

That 30 Something Life x