July No Spend Review

What a rollercoaster of a month it has been. As you can imagine, teacher life is very busy at this time of year. Lots of things happening and changing, but many exciting things too. With this in mind, I know that it has been harder to stick to some of my budgets this month. Sometimes treat were just needed!

Let’s see where my money has gone…

Spend (budget allowance is ยฃ100):

  • makeup – ยฃ15
  • gifts – ยฃ68.82
  • meals out – ยฃ28.45
  • parking – ยฃ3.20

Total spent: ยฃ115.47 – a little more than planned but definitely a much better track on what I am spending. There were lots of end of term gifts that I needed to purchase so there was little that I could do to reduce this.

Petrol (budget allowance ยฃ140):

  • ยฃ184.42 – this month I have done a few extra trips out to visit places and friends.

Food (budget allowance ยฃ180):

  • ยฃ220.06 – so the pattern emerges that whenever I am busy and don’t meal plan – the food bill goes up! Slightly frustrating, but the end of summer term is so busy that you just have to get through as best you can. I definitely need to get better at keeping to my strategies as I know this keeps the budget in check.

It has been a rather long month for me, with lots of events, visits and the end of the school term to get through.

What I can see is that I am keeping a much better track of my money. I can see that I have been spending a lot of money on gifts for birthdays and events over the past few months. I need to strategise ways of reducing this down or setting limits.

How has your no spend month been?

Rachel, That 30 Something Life X