Minimalism – It really works!

I should imagine you are thinking pretty much the same thoughts I had when I came across the idea of minimalism…It won’t work, I might need these items, I will want to fill the gaps, it won’t work for a functional family that is always on the go.

I was sooooooo wrong! It is everything I have been needing for my life to feel more functional and purposeful. I have already been looking at the KonMarie method of tidying, but when I started following a fab mum of 4 on youtube (The Minimal Mom – ) I realised how transformative this could be. So I got straight to it. I have gone room to room around my house and begun to really declutter. I have donated most things. I have reduced the amount of stuff in my home and it has greatly improved my mindset. I’ve always been a ‘tidy home, tidy mind’ kind of person, but I had no idea how much this would improve my wellbeing. Everything is so much easier to manage. I have decluttered anything that won’t get used, things I don’t like, but was holding on to just in case, things that were given to me, notebooks – , a rather large selection of tubberware pots

  • tubberware pots – a range of sizes – some too small to contain anything
  • notebooks – the biggest pile of notebooks (mostly unused or untouched)
  • books
  • dvds
  • cds
  • old paperwork
  • clothes
  • shoes
  • bags
  • craft supplies
  • decorative items
  • stationary
  • photo frames
  • saucepans
  • mugs (how many mugs did we need?!?!)
  • old candles
  • storage units
  • storage boxes
  • makeup that I won’t use/don’t like
  • Toys
  • very old cameras
  • cables/electric cables
  • old towels
  • old tea towels
  • gift bags
  • old pillows
  • old duvets
  • duvet sets
  • unused kitchen appliances
  • out of date food
  • unused/damaged Christmas decorations
  • underwear that has seen better days
  • pictures/photos/art
  • out of date medication (some need to be disposed of carefully – pharmacies can help with this).

I did this declutter a couple of days ago. The most noticeable difference is in the kitchen. It has been so easy to keep the sides and everything else clean and tidy.

What’s been even better is that my son has joined in. He actually tidied his room without being asked. He saw the difference it could make to how it feels being in a tidy and clutter free room and wanted to feel the same about his own room! This is big progress!

Make-up decluttering.

Now the challenge is to not bring anything new in to clutter it up! On the plus side, me and my son are now working towards an end of year treat after a successful no spend year! A piano!

That 30 Something Life x