No Spend January Review – How I got on!

January is one of the hardest months financially. It stretches over 5 long weeks due to Christmas pay day often coming in early. Christmas fatigue also sets in, as well as the January blues. It feels like 200 days since Christmas, but thankfully we are on the final few days. For me, pay day has arrived (25th of the month) and I am ready to review January’s spending.

My aim this month was to get a good solid start in with my budget. I allocated set amounts for spend, food and petrol. These are the items that I track more carefully – the rest are fixed with my bill account.

Spend account: So for my spend amount I budgeted ยฃ70. This was to cover activities and other items that might be needed.

  • gifts were brought for ยฃ31.95 (these were a few additional presents prior to Christmas)
  • home items, including batteries and artificial flowers for ยฃ12.80
  • clothing ยฃ17 which includes a beanie, shoulder bag (replacement item) and a dress.
  • parking was ยฃ4.40
  • activities such as a film rental ยฃ13.99 and museum of the moon tickets ยฃ5.84.

In total I spent ยฃ86.02. Only ยฃ16 over, which is rather good for me.

Food amount: I budgeted ยฃ200 each month.

Thankfully, this is the first month in a while where I have kept to budget. I have done a bit of using up of cupboard items and planning ahead for meals, which has helped me keep on track.

Overall spend was ยฃ196.68. Phew!!

Petrol amount: Budget is ยฃ140. In total I have spent ยฃ110.36. I was mostly home for the last of the Christmas holidays so my usage was definitely lower than average.

This month has been successful. What is normally a tough one, has been a positive one.

Rach, Declutter your life