stop spending in the sales

STOP Spending in the sales! The sales are not your friend!

STOP! The sales are not your friend! They are there to trick you into spending money on things you don’t want or need! Stop spending in the sales!

But don’t worry guys and gals. I am here! We can get through this difficult time together. 

There is going to be a lot of temptation so January is going to be the hardest month. 

This is exactly why I have signed up for another no buy year! You may want to do this too! I will link a video here!

It may have started already, but have you received a thousand emails from brands telling you about their sales? You’re going to need to go back through the last month of emails and unsubscribe from them all! Get ahead and stop that temptation. 

One of my downfalls is social media. Seeing lots of people sharing outfits of the day or new finds from stores makes me want to buy the outfit. They are very good at what they do! But this is not good for my bank balance or my capsule wardrobe or the environment. So I’m also going to unfollow or mute the posts and stories of some of the accounts like this that I follow. 

I have also got a few apps on my phone for some stores – this is far too tempting to have a quick nose. So I am going to delete these. 

How are we doing so far? If you like this video don’t forget to hit subscribe and press the bell for notifications for new videos when they are uploaded. Let’s get back to it. I feel like there is more to be done!

Whilst I’m at it I’m going to remove any banking details from selling sites such as amazon, etc so that it is a little bit harder to purchase. If it’s just a click then I don’t think about it. But if I have to spend a few minutes finding my purse and getting the card out for the details it is enough of a deterrent for those impulse purchases. 

Another pitfall – I have so many – lol – is the middle isle in the supermarkets! In future I am avoiding these completely and making sure I am only food shopping and sticking to the list. 

Linking on from this – if I am shopping for non-consumables it has to be with a list. I need to know what I am buying and I will then shop around for the best price. 

So that I don’t spend a penny in the sales – I am going to transfer my money into a savings account! Then I will have to faff around to retrieve it so it is less likely that I will spend it. 

Think about a savings goal you might want to work towards. You could save for a holiday – a trip out somewhere, or an experience. Alternatively, if you have debt to clear then pay straight off the debt. It will be a weight lifted when it’s cleared. 

I feel ready for boxing day and the sales that are commeth. I will not be defeated and neither will you! We are absolutely going to make it through January – all 473 days of it! 

See you soon and remember to stop spending in the sales!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more information check out my youtube channel

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