A single woman in possession of her own mind, does not want a man, nor his money.

Whilst it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife; a single woman in possession of her own mind, does not want a man nor his money, but to be heard on an equal level.

Man’s superiority over women has reigned long enough. You may be thinking that in this day and age we do have equality, but I will politely remind you that this is certainly not the case. In every relationship I have had, the expectation for many roles within the relationship and running of the house, always fell to me, the woman. I was the cleaner, the cook, the washer lady, the hairdresser, the carer, the nurse and the teacher. I was the servant to my partner. It was rare that my partner ever took on these roles, and when they did, they suggested they should be awarded with some kind of gold star for their triumphs.

You may be thinking that at this particularly point I was a stay at home mum, but no. Often, I was also the main bread winner. Yet still the expectation was placed on me to complete these other roles. You won’t be surprised to hear that I left these relationships. I totally appreciate that as a single parent, I am now doing all of these roles, but at least I am not resenting my partner for not sharing these (plus the work is significant less without a man-child to look after)!

I have a wonderful, smart and creative mind. I felt that subjecting me to these roles was demeaning and created control for the man in the relationship. They ultimately held power over me. And quite frankly, this didn’t sit right with me. I am self sufficient. I have always been an independent sole and had strong opinions about what I believe to be right and how I want to live my life. In letting a partner have control over me, I felt like I was being held back from myself. I couldn’t reach my full potential. I have yet to meet a man that can be proud of my successes in life, without thinking that this is an attempt to belittle them. I am sure they do exist, but unfortunately there are too many of the other kind to sift through first.

What I strive for is equality in a relationship. It’s a two way street in which you work together as a team!

Let me know your thoughts,

Rachel, That 30 Something Life X