minimalism declutter your life

How do you let go of someone you love?

I think the straight forward answer here is that you don’t. You will always love that special someone. When you truly love some unconditionally, they will always have a part of your heart. How that feels and how emotionally connected you are to that person will undoubtedly change over time, but quite simply, they will continue to be a part of you.

For anyone that knows my currently situation, they will read this and think she is mad and needs to forget him. In some instances the essence of what they are saying is true. I should forget him, he wants nothing to do with me, so why would I waste any more time thinking about him? The reason he will always hold a place in my heart is because he was a part of my journey. It pains me to know that he has hurt me and that he will never be a part of my life, but he is the reason I am who I am today. I am now finding myself. My expectations of a partner have changed and I wont settle for anything less than I deserve.

Whilst everyone taunts me with the ideology of ‘letting go’, I struggle to accept this concept. My mind seems to accept moving on better if I take the mindset that he was an important part of my journey. He may not have been the end goal that I had hoped it would be, but he is something.

The last few days have been tough. Often, I feel like I have gone three steps back in my progress. I am chasing any thoughts and feelings that I have, thinking about him non-stop, mainly because I am at home for the week for easter holidays. When I have struggled to get motivated, to feel any positive thoughts or get active. I’ve even had two awful nights without sleep worrying about this.

If anyone has any advice or comments please feel free to post below…

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For little acts of declutteringโ€ฆย

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5 responses to “How do you let go of someone you love?”

  1. Sadah avatar

    Nicely penned.

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