
Single Mum and son adventure – trip to Prague




My son made a fantastic travel companion. 3 days in Prague and he loved it!

I have always been hesitant about travelling as a single mum. I’ve always wanted to be with a partner to be able to share the experience with, or maybe I thought I needed the adult company over a young mind. How wrong I was!

My new(ish) single status meant that if I wanted to see the world then I would either have to go when my son was at his dads (giving me only 2 nights/1 day to explore), go with my son or not travel at all. This first option is neither worth the effort for only 1 day of sightseeing or, quite frankly, the money. My option was either to travel with my son in the holidays or not at all. And why should I just sit home if I want to be out having adventures?

Here were my worries:

  • I wouldn’t have adult conversation
  • I would get bored in the evenings when my son has gone to bed (he would normally go to sleep around 8pm)
  • it wouldn’t be enough of an experience

I look at that list now and wonder why on earth I was so worried. Here’s the list again with the reality to my worries:

  • I wouldn’t have adult conversation (I have an inquisitive 8 year old who asks a lot of questions – plenty of conversations to keep us going as we explored)
  • I would get bored in the evenings when my son has gone to bed (he would normally go to sleep around 8pm) (We did so much walking and wondering around that I was knackered by the time he went to bed so I followed not long afterwards – just a little bit of down time reading and messaging friends)
  • it wouldn’t be enough of an experience (We saw so many things, tried tasty treats that it was more than enough of an experience for the two of us)

My son, the 8 year old quiz master, thoroughly enjoyed the city break. So much so that he    has asked to go back again. He enjoyed being active, exploring new places and taking pictures of things that interested him with his camera. 

I got to see a new place, go for fantastic walks, see some beautiful views and snap away with my camera. It was fantastic. I’m now beginning to write a list of other places we can visit for short breaks away.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little actsโ€ฆ

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2 responses to “Single Mum and son adventure – trip to Prague”

  1. That’s a wonderful bond you are nurturing with your son, as traveling really teaches us all so much. Wishing you many more adventures! And never stop traveling!

    1. It really is magical. We had some quality time together.

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