I Choose To Be Anti-racist

I have spent the last week educating myself and my child about systemic racism. This is not something new for me. Several years ago, when completing a history degree I chose to educate myself on social history; oppresion, facism, dictatorship, feminism and slavery. It was shocking. But. Oh. So. Powerful.

It made me angry.

The root of it all was racism.

I dug deep. I thought about things that I may have said in the past and I questioned myself. I could see elements of racism. From an early age I would say the need for ‘equality’ and for people to be treated the same has been deep rooted in my soul. Experiences of being bullied and feeling different from others made me feel a strong desire to do the right thing. To protect others. To support others. So that they wouldn’t ever feel like they had been treated differently.

So when I looked back and saw words or actions of myself and others I was ashamed. What I hadn’t done was become anti-racist. And I am sorry for this.

When I educated myself on racism, I made a change. I chose to acknowledge the past of British ancestors and their abominal treatment of black people.

I now choose to educate others about systemic racism.

I choose to have conversations about racism.

I choose to support activists.

I choose to be anti-racist.

This will continue until there is equality. Change needs to happen.

Whilst I will never fully understand what each individual has suffered, I will stand with you.




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