Online dating saga continues

The saga with online dating continues…

It continues to baffle me, annoy me, bore me and give me very little in return.

I think I have a fair idea of what I like and dislike as far as interests and mannerisms are concerned, but as for finding someone that meets my requirements, this is proving more difficult than I had imagined.

I have been on 4 dates. 3 where I actually met the guy and 1 where he turned up too late for me to bother to meet him.

Date 1: The 5’5 disappointment

He was my type on paper, had reasonably ok chat, seemed nice and had some similar interests. However, there was a slight booboo on his dating profile. He upscaled his height. I get that some guys may not know their height, but I am sure he was quite aware that he was shorter than 5’5. In fact, he was shorter than me (5’3) and it made me feel rather awkward. Along with that came a rather awkward level of chat in person. When work ends up being the only topic of conversation, there is surely something amiss. Oh well, onto the next!

Date 2: Too tall!

I kid you not, the follow week I ended up on a date with a really nice guy. We talked for a good 3 hours in a coffee shop. However I felt rather awkward at the end. We tried to hug to say goodbye but he was significantly taller and I just felt tiny next to him. I felt uncomfortable. Although this is sounding like I am heightest (new word, you’re welcome!) I’m not sure I would feel like this towards all taller guys. He was rather broad along with the height so it was just overwhelming. I am still open minded about this. At the end of the day, heightism apart, there was a spark missing. This is crucial. If you don’t feel that connection then it wouldn’t last.

Date 3: The serial dater!

So date number 3 was lovely. I really enjoyed the date, we got on well, all felt relaxed and comfortable. The problem was not the date itself but the aftermath. We agreed a second date. He “got ill” and had to cancel. However, red flags appeared! I went online to close a profile on one site as that site i was finding not so helpful anyway and happened to catch him on that site being online all of the time. I think it was quite obvious, along with the not really messaging me scenario, that he had changed his mind. The thing is, why not just say? The conversation stopped. It was over. 2 weeks later he gets back in touch. Not entirely sure what he was after, but he still couldn’t arrange a date. I’m not wasting any time on someone that isn’t quite sure if they like me. That’s exactly what happened with my ex!

Date 4: The 45 minute late guy!

We seemed to have normal chat via messages and all seemed well. We arranged to meet (he wasn’t local so i suggested a cafe near the river). He called just after the time we had arranged to meet and said he had been dropped by the taxi at the wrong place. I had already got myself a milkshake. Thought I would give him a bit of time. By the time he was 30 minutes late, I upped and left. I had a wonder around the local shops. At the 45 minute marker, he messaged to say he was there. I was nearby and couldn’t seem him so it anyones guess if he was actually there. However, the important lesson to learn was that do i want to be with someone that isn’t organised and prepared as to where he was going and that doesn’t make sure he is on time? That would annoy me if he did that again. You only get one chance to make a first impression and being 45 minutes late isn’t a good one.

On to the next…

I think I need to chill away from this online dating. It feels like a lot of effort and no reward right now. I’m open minded but I think I am on the wrong site for the man I am looking for.

Time to take a break and then sign up to one of the more professional dating sites and try my luck there…