single mum and the dating scene

Single mum life is tough. Unless you have experienced it, you won’t really know how to feels to be a single parent. The struggle is hard. Yes, sometimes I feel on top of everything and like superwoman. But other times, I feel like I can’t keep up with it all.

I want to be strong. I want to be in a position to be attractive to others on dating sites, but it’s tougher than it looks. I feel like the men on these sites are single for a reason. It’s been hard to find someone that can hold a conversation for longer than a day. And if they do, they turn out to have a different red flag. I had begun to write a book about my experience as a single mum in her thirties. I think I need to get back to it. I continue to gain new stories and hints and tips that I am learning on my journey. Maybe it should be a book of discovery rather than a book that holds all the answers, because let’s face it….I’ve not had much success so far. I have just compiled a list of red flags and tips that could be of use to others.

I have a tale about my ex that should be told. Let me formulate a discrete and dignified way to tell this. Which will be tough considering the sleazy behaviour he has shown.

Time to get writing. What are your thoughts about being a single parent in your 30’s?

That 30 something singleton x