Category: Minimalism

  • Minimalist Living: 20 Things I No Longer Buy

    Minimalist Living: 20 Things I No Longer Buy

    Ok, so minimalism has been part of my life for over 2 years now and I have come across a new mindset that has saved me so much time and money over the years. Here is a list of 20 things I no longer buy as a minimalist. Why? I don’t want to be wasteful.…

  • March Little Acts of Decluttering

    March Little Acts of Decluttering

    I hope you enjoyed February’s little act acts of decluttering, as I have another fun month of decluttering ahead for us! As we move into March, it is important to keep momentum and keep on top of the clutter with some new acts of decluttering.  Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are…

  • 10 Ways to REDUCE Visual Clutter

    10 Ways to REDUCE Visual Clutter

    If you are decluttering your home, you may still find that visual clutter is still a feature. Here are 10 ways to reduce that visual clutter to create a stress free, easy to tidy home free of visual clutter. Reduce down the number of items in your home If you haven’t already, then it’s time…

  • How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe

    How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe

    I often find getting dressed a chore and the decision making a bit much sometimes. Wondering what will work for the time of year and what goes together. Fashion sense is not my strong point, but thankfully a capsule wardrobe is the answer I had been craving. Here is why and how you should create…

  • How To STOP Clutter Creeping Back In!

    How To STOP Clutter Creeping Back In!

    Let’s talk about clutter and how we can stop it creeping back in and building up in our homes! Want to stop clutter creeping back in? Here are some vital steps that will help you reduce the visual clutter within your home. What is clutter? This is the items that come in and seem to…

  • February Little Acts of Decluttering

    February Little Acts of Decluttering

    I hope you enjoyed January’s little act acts of decluttering, as I have another fun month of decluttering ahead for us! As we move into February, it is important to keep momentum and keep on top of the clutter with some new acts of decluttering. Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are…

  • 5 Minimalist Gift Ideas

    5 Minimalist Gift Ideas

    Christmas is fast approaching and I am definitely feeling the pinch this year. However, this year I am hoping that minimalism is going to help me keep to budget as well as give meaningful and purposeful gifts to my friends and family. Set a budget Firstly, it is important to set a budget. You need…

  • How to Simplify Your Life!

    How to Simplify Your Life!

    Is your life feeling busier than ever and overwhelming at times? This has certainly been the case for me in recent years and I decided that enough was enough and it was time to change the way I lived and simplify my life. Life does not have to be complicated and busy. It can also…

  • Favourite items that I own as a minimalist!

    Favourite items that I own as a minimalist!

    Now is the time to share my favourite items that I own as a minimalist. Each item listed are items that really serve a purpose for me and allow me to live a simply and balanced life. Favourite items… Camera. I absolutely adore my camera. It’s the best £200 I have ever spent. Firstly, It…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering #minimalist

    Little Acts of Decluttering #minimalist

    So I am back again with some more helpful tips to create small, daily decluttering habits. These little acts of decluttering are designed as a way of building up natural decluttering habits that will begin to feel like second nature over time. By decluttering one small area at a time, you will begin to transform…