how to create a capsule wardrobe

How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe

I often find getting dressed a chore and the decision making a bit much sometimes. Wondering what will work for the time of year and what goes together. Fashion sense is not my strong point, but thankfully a capsule wardrobe is the answer I had been craving. Here is why and how you should create a capsule wardrobe.

Are you already doing this?

You may be surprised to hear that you might already be using a capsule wardrobe! A capsule wardrobe is utilising a small number of clothing items on a daily/weekly basis. Do you always reach for the same jumper, trousers and tops? This is you comfort zone and essentially a capsule wardrobe. Many items will sit in your wardrobe unused and unloved as they don’t fit this comfort zone. Capsule wardrobes can be a great way to change up that comfort zone, as well as create an easy choice in the morning when choosing what to wear.

Evaluate wardrobe items

First shop your wardrobe and see what you already have. You may discover a hidden gem as your rummage through. An old favourite or an item still with its tag on. Why not see if there is something that might inspire your selection.

Decide the purpose of the items

Is your capsule wardrobe designed purely for workwear or is it going to cover every day wear? Will it need to include occasions and dressing up for more formal events. If so, then you will need to adjust you wardrobe accordingly.

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How long will you be using the capsule wardrobe for?

Are you planning on using the capsule wardrobe to help you choose work clothing, or is this going to be for every day of the week for 1, 2 or more weeks at a time? This might mean you need to adjust the number of items to be a little larger if you are planning to utilise the items for up to a month.

Start with the basic essentials

Decide some core, key pieces. This may be trousers or tops. Whichever your choose will help to determine your colour palette and form the base of your style.

Consider a colour palette for the clothing

This is crucial when deciding what to piece together. If you choose pieces that fit a similar colour palette then they are more likely to mix and match with each other. It creates many more options than having a large selection of coloured items. Each time you create a capsule wardrobe you could choose from a different colour palette. If you are reducing down your wardrobe completely then you will want to really hone in on a clear colour palette that is versatile and perhaps neutral so that it is easy to purchase replacement items within the colour scheme.

Lay out items to see what works

Sometimes it’s about trial and error. If, like me, you have a limited sense of fashion, then laying out combinations of items is probably the best way to work out whether items go together or not. Failing that, try it on. I think I am very much a visual learner, so this is always something that I need to do when choosing my capsule wardrobe.

I would love to know if you do a capsule wardrobe, either by shopping from your own wardrobe or by reducing down your wardrobe completely!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

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