May: No Spend Review

I’m not gonna lie, as things have started opening up I have allowed myself a few extras and treats to compensate for the year without. This kind of feels like a backwards step, but I also think life is for living and I want to be out and about seeing friends and visiting new places.

Whilst I was hopeful that I would spend less on the food budget this month, I spent exactly the same. This ยฃ232 for the month. It feels really steep for me, but I am still getting my head around gluten free eating, as well as additional food treats. However, I feel like I am in a position now to be able to move forward in a more constructive way with meal planning. I am thankful that Aldi have an extensive list of gluten free products on their website which is making this easier to navigate. I know have a range of meals that are gluten free, as well as knowing how to be cost effective when finding gluten free alternatives. I am thinking of setting a target of no more that ยฃ200 for food.

Now on to the nitty gritty of my personal spend. This includes things that are not budgeted, such as treats, gifts and days out. I did have other spend to account for this month, such as preparing for my son’s birthday next month, but I had already allocated money for this in my budget rather than including this in my ‘spend amount’.

  • chalk ยฃ2.00
  • gift ยฃ10
  • gift ยฃ10
  • dress ยฃ6.30
  • gift for my son for his bday (curtains) ยฃ20.00
  • gifts ยฃ28.50
  • postage ยฃ5.95
  • gifts ยฃ35.50
  • flowers for a friend ยฃ8.75
  • meal out ยฃ57.25

Total was ยฃ184.25. I will now budget myself ยฃ100 a month spend to allow for more activities.

Rachel, That 30 something life x