Minimalist Money Hacks

Saving money is at the top of my list. I am saving for a house deposit so I am currently looking to save money in any way that I can.

There are lots of ways in which companies make us part with our cash. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

  1. Pay off debt!
  2. Pay yourself first! Save your money into a savings account as soon as you get paid. If it’s taken out you will be less likely to spend it.
  3. Delete your card details from online shopping.
  4. Buy secondhand.
  5. Sell items you don’t need.
  6. Do free activities. Get creative there are lots of things you can do for free.
  7. Plan your meals – this isn’t just about evening meals. You need to plan lunches. This is where people trip up by not planning in their lunches to their food shop. You get caught short and have to pop to the shops. Sure enough, you are ยฃ5 down. This mounts up if done every day, each month.
  8. Cut habits. Like the previous point, a takeaway coffee can set you back a good ยฃ3 a day. This can be an expensive habit if done 5 days a week for 52 weeks of the year. That’s ยฃ780 a year!
  9. Don’t try and keep up with the Jone’s. If you start comparing yourself to others, you will quickly see your money flitter away
  10. Eat at home! Why not try and replicate your favourite takeaways or meals out at home? This will save you lots of pennies in the long run.
  11. Avoid going to the sales. If you are looking to replace an item, I would suggest you shop around and take your time on the purchase. Don’t go wandering around the shops – this is where temptation lies and it is easy to get swept up in other ‘bargains’ that you don’t really need.
  12. Decide on what you need rather than what you want.

In the interest of keeping things minimalist on the post, I have capped it at 12. The 12 most effective ways to save money and keep a minimalist lifestyle!

Rachel, That 30 Something Life X