july no spend review

July No Spend Review

July No Spend Review: Every month I try and do a no spend month and keep to a strict budget. It’s the end of the month and time to see whether or not I have stuck to the amount set or whether things have gone off track.

July is definitely a busy one for me. It’s the end of the school year and I am beyond tired by this point. This can make it harder to stick to the food budget and spend budget. I am in survival mode!

I track three things each month: spend, food and petrol. For July, I had to cover 5 weekends with my pay so this does increase the budget slightly.

Watch the video below to see how I got on for July’s no spend review.


Declutter Your Life x

August Little Acts of Decluttering: https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/august-little-acts-of-decluttering/